Real Housewives Of New York Episode 3 Blog
Happy Passover and Happy Easter!
I had a wonderful Passover with both sides of my family. We went to my sister Lisa's house Monday night with mommy, daddy and 27 of us in all! I took a few funny videos! (Sign up for my newsletter at to see!) Tuesday night we went to The Friar's Club with the Zarin's where there were nearly 40 of us! Though it started out as only family we had a few friends who didn't have a place to go. It is a "mitzvah" (good deed) to set another setting at the table and in this case we set 6! Spending this time with my family and friends is precious to me and reaffirmed once again what is truly important in life and how lucky I am not only to have such a wonderful family, but to have them there for me in good times or bad. Their unconditional love and mine for them, is unwavering. Watching our children, grandchildren and nieces and nephews grow is up what gives us the most joy.
After such a wonderfully busy week, it was very strangely pleasant to not be in this weeks episode and to just sit back and watch my fellow cast mates in action! They surely did not disappoint. I am glad that you are finally beginning to meet the real Kelly who is very dear to me. She is an excellent mother and role model to her beautiful girls. I love seeing how well they behave onscreen. It is a bright reflection on Kelly. I also think it's a testament to her character that she is looking for "Mr. Right" and not "Mr. Right Now." A great guy is out there waiting for her!
I'm happy to see that Luann found the love of her life, Jacques. He is as warm and friendly off screen as he is on. It brings a smile to my face seeing them so happy together. I loved the Wine Connector scene. What a great business idea. How funny were the other ladies? I was dying when Kelly started role playing with her guy. This scene was a good example of a lot of the fun times we have filming. I'm glad it was aired as it really shows what great senses of humor the girls have. Cindy has been an absolute perfect fit, just the personality type we needed I think.
Ramona deciding to do another stroll down the catwalk was a great scene! I'm saying nothing, I thought the other girls said it all! I hope Ramona doesn't get mad at them for their comments. She has to see the humor in this by now.
I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad I missed the day at Cindy's Completely Bare Spa. Too much information shared! But I will say, I have been to Completely Bare since and it is an great experience that I do recommend no matter what your "needs" are. I couldn't believe The Countess jumped right in!! OMG, I never would have guessed. Too funny.
Even though I am not in tonight's episode nor will I be in it next week, I will be back and will let you know when.
Lastly, you would have had to have been living under a rock this week to not have heard something about my "liquid facelift." So let me tell you, my fans, "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth." I have been doing liquid injections for 7 years and no one noticed anything different. A year and half ago I started seeing Dr. Pat Wexler. She started doing restylane on the sides of my face to create a liquid "facelift" from the sides, rather than injecting into the folds of my smile lines. It was not meant to nor did it smooth it out entirely.
When I was on WWHL after the first episode, my hair and makeup artist pulled my hair up into a high ponytail and did some makeup tricks. You will see toward the end of the season I try a few new "do's" on the show. Some will work, some won't. Then last Sunday I was at the TV Land Awards and wanted to dress and pay homage to my favorite housewife of all time "Lucille Ball" and dressed in a 50"s style dress with hair style and makeup to match. I wasn't supposed to look like me. That was the point! Anyway...between both of these events a press storm started that culminated in me being featured in 5 weeklys and too many TV shows to count. But let me is much more fun to be grilled over how I look 10 years younger than anything else, so I'll take it all as one big compliment.
I'll be speaking at Brown University's Reality TV Symposium on Friday April 22 and it is open to the public. I will be speaking at 5:45pm so if you make it, I would love to see you there! I will also be doing a book signing at the Brown Bookstore Friday from 4pm-5pm.
I will then be heading to Boston for the weekend. I am hosting an event at Simmons Leadership Conference on Monday night and introducing one of the honorees Tuesday morning in front of 1500 women. I can't wait to take Bobby around Boston and visit some old friends.
Until next week...
"Don't say Cheese say Skweez!"