Bobby and I are being honored at ARTragous in NYC May 11, 2009
Bobby and I are thrilled to accept an award on May 11, 2009 for out contribution to the Edwin Gould Agency in NYC for our participation over the past 6 years. Allyson is the chairperson for the children's committee this year. People are always asking how they can help? I have added google ads to my site and get paid a few pennies for each time an ad is clicked on. If you could click on one ad every once in a while..the money will go to this charity. DO NOT overclick. They will shut me down for click fraud! In addition..the money I raise from EBAY will also be donated to the Edwin Gould charity on May 11th. We are thrilled to participate again this year and will keep you posted on the event. Tickets will be for sale starting at $500. If you are interested in coming..please let me know. Thank you all for your support.
Check out my charities page
Jill Zarin Proves Her REAL Commitment To NYC’s Children and Art